[Download] Heat and Mass Transfer (SI units): A Practical Approach de Yunus A. Cengel Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Gratis Heat and Mass Transfer (SI units): A Practical Approach de Yunus A. Cengel PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis, Descargar Gratis Heat and Mass Transfer (SI units): A Practical Approach Spanish Edition
Reseña del editor With complete coverage of the basic principles of heat transfer and a broad range of applications in a flexible format, Heat and Mass Transfer: A Practical Approach provides the perfect blend of fundamentals and applications. The text provides a highly intuitive and practical understanding of the material by emphasizing the physics and the underlying physical phenomena involved. Key: Text covers the standard topics of heat transfer with an emphasis on physics and real-world every day applications, while de-emphasizing the intimidating heavy mathematical aspects. This approach is designed to take advantage of students' intuition, making the learning process easier and more engaging. Key: The new edition will add helpful web-links for students. Key: 50% of the Homework Problems including design, computer, essay, lab-type, and FE problems are new or revised to this edition. Using a reader-friendly approach and a conversational writing style, the book is self-instructive and entertains while it teaches. It shows that highly technical matter can be communicated effectively in a simple yet precise language ~50% of the problems are new or revised to this edition. 378 total NEW problems. Chapters on Refrigeration and the Freezing of Foods, Heating and Cooling of Buildings and Cooling of Electronic Equipment can be found on the Online Learning Center. More than 1000 illustrations. This text has a sensational visual appeal that highlight its key learning features. Complete coverage of the the essential heat transfer topic, convection. Forced convection is covered in three chapters with separate chapters for external flow and internal flow. A 'Topics of Special Interest' feature is included at the end of most chapters. Biografía del autor Yunus Cengel (Reno, Nevada) is Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Nevada, Reno.
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