[Download] Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer de Frank P. Incropera,David P. DeWitt,D.P. Dewitt Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Lee un libro Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer de Frank P. Incropera,David P. DeWitt,D.P. Dewitt Libros Gratis en EPUB, Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer ePub Mobi
Reseña del editor This text conveys an understanding of the physical concepts and methodologies of heat and mass transfer. Through numerous illustrative examples and chapter end problems, students develop the analytical skills needed to solve practical problems. This third edition remains unique in its treatment of the relationship of heat and mass transfer, its systematic method of problem solving, its extensive use of the First Law of Thermodynamics, and its integrated treatment of convection heat and mass transfer. Changes to this edition include: increased coverage of material on thermal contact resistance, fin performance, convective heat transfer enhancement and compact heat exchangers; improved discussion of physical principles related to forced and free convection; new material on submerged jets and free convection in open parallel plate channels; and nearly 300 new problems, most dealing with engineering applications.
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